Ed 7: Huset KBH
Saturday 4 March 2023, Copenhagen
traces we leave
- live performance by Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl
The artist moved dynamically through the performance space, tracing her outline in chalk as she went. This action evoked the ephemeral impact we leave as we move through the world. Her interaction with the space reflected on the transient nature of human presence and the subtle yet indelible traces we imprint on our surroundings.
Underneath Within Beyond
one-to-one performance by Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl
In this intimate one-to-one performance, the audience member was blinfolded and guided to explore the inside of a wall in the performance space. As their fingers traced the contours and textures, the artist paralleled the sensations to the insides of a human body. Blurring boundaries between the external and internal, this multisensory experience invited a contemplation of the deep, often unseen connections between our physical and emotional landscapes.